
Q. Can a student from any undergraduate institution apply to the Accelerated Program or is it only available to graduates from “Baptist” institutions?

A. While the Accelerated Program is not limited solely to those students who are graduates of Baptist colleges and universities, only courses from institutions of similar theological background will be applied through the Accelerated Program. This means that students from institutions affiliated with other denominations may also receive some credit through the program, 虽然有些课程可能不适用.

Q. 宝盈APP登录可以通过速成课程获得多少学时?

A. The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) allows institutions like NOBTS to give students credit for up to 1/3 of their graduate degree based on undergraduate coursework. 参加84小时的基督教事工硕士课程, that would be 28 hours; for an 87-hour specialization in the MDiv, 29 hours. However, 鉴于最近的课程变化, 所有通过加速项目提供的课程现在都是3小时的课程. Thus, qualifying students would only be eligible to receive a maximum of 27 hours (nine courses) through the program since adding a tenth course would exceed the maximum number of hours allowed by ATS.

We have also opened up the Accelerated Program now to benefit students seeking other graduate degrees apart from the MDiv, 比如MA或MTS. However, 因为这些学位课程已经比MDiv短得多了, students are limited to a maximum of 9 hours that may be applied to the MA or the MTS through the Accelerated Program. 84小时的心理咨询硕士是例外. Students pursuing this degree may receive more than 9 hours through the Accelerated Program; however, 因为该学位不包括完整的MDiv核心, 宝盈APP登录最多可以接受18个小时.

Q. 加速项目是一个“全有或全无”的项目吗?

A. No. 宝盈APP登录可能有资格获得 up to 27 hours of their degree program but may also be eligible to receive credit for just a single course, 这取决于宝盈APP登录的本科专业.

Q. 申请NOBTS时,我需要注册为加速课程宝盈APP登录吗?

A. No. You will simply complete the application process as normal and enroll in the degree program of your choosing. The Accelerated Program works with any Master's degree offered at NOBTS with the exception of the Master of Theology (which is an advanced research degree designed for pursuit of a PhD).

Q. 速成课程真的能帮我省钱吗?

A. 肯定! The only fees associated with the Accelerated Program are for advanced placement in languages (1/3 tuition for each bypassed course), 这意味着通过该计划获得的大部分学分都是免费的. Students who qualify for the maximum benefit through the Accelerated Program will save roughly 1/3 of tuition costs alone, 更不用说与入学和注册相关的其他费用了.

Q. 参加加速课程需要付费吗?

A. No, 没有与加速项目相关的费用, save for the time and energy required for you to send your undergraduate transcripts and research paper (preferably graded) for evaluation.

Q. Will enrolling in the Accelerated Program shorten the time needed to complete my seminary degree?

A. 肯定. 符合条件的宝盈APP登录有资格获得近三分之一的学位课程, 这意味着他们可以将获得学位所需的时间减少三分之一. However, a full-time student who qualifies for just nine hours through the program may still reduce his/her time in seminary by a semester. 一点一滴都有帮助!

Q. 参加加速课程将如何改变或减轻我在神学院的负担?

A. The Accelerated Program allows students the opportunity to bypass many of the introductory-level courses at NOBTS, allowing them to skip what could essentially amount to a review of their previous four-year undergraduate degree (at least for some). 然后,这些宝盈APP登录可以自由选修其他高级课程、选修课等., that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to take (depending on the frequency with which a course is offered). 符合条件的宝盈APP登录也可以选择, 而不是为了更快地完成学位, 减轻每学期的负担. 例如, to complete an 84-hour MDiv in six semesters (3 years) would require an average semester load of 14 hours. 同样的MDiv, 通过速成课程获得27个小时, 可以在六个学期内完成,平均只有9个学期.5 hours. This allows students to complete their degree program in the same amount of time while freeing themselves up to dedicate more time each semester to work, 部的机会, 和家人.

Q. 我需要做什么才能开始呢?

A. 为了开始这个过程, students should submit a copy of their undergraduate transcript as well as a graded research paper, 或者研究论文要评分, 电邮至 accelerated@nr-sh100.com. Students do not need to request an Official Transcript be sent from their undergraduate institution and may submit an unofficial copy. Those students who have already submitted their transcript(s) to the Registrar's office during the application process may email transcript@nr-sh100.com 并要求将副本发送到加速项目办公室,宝盈APP登录无需付费.

Q. 为什么我必须提交一份评分的研究论文?

A. 因为加速课程为合格的宝盈APP登录提供了先进的地位, these students must be able to demonstrate competency in research and writing--skills that would traditionally be taught and/or refined in introductory-level seminary courses. The research paper submitted should demonstrate a firm grasp of grammatical and stylistic issues in writing as well as the proper use of reliable, 适合学术研究论文的可靠来源. 有关研究论文提交的更多信息,请参见 研究论文信息.

Q. 如果我在本科阶段学过希腊语和/或希伯来语,我还需要重修吗?

A. 不一定. For every 6 hours of language credit at the undergraduate level (with a B or better) we offer you the opportunity to proceed into the next logical level. So a student with 6 hours of Greek or Hebrew at the undergraduate level may skip Greek 1 or Hebrew 1 at NOBTS and enroll in Greek 2 or Hebrew 2; a student with 12 hours may skip both Greek or Hebrew 1 and 2 and proceed directly to Greek/Hebrew Exegesis or Advanced  Greek/Hebrew. Upon successful completion of the NOBTS class in which the student is enrolled (with a B or better), the student will verify his/her grade with the Accelerated Program office to be given credit for those classes he/she skipped and pay 1/3 tuition for those skipped classes. 换句话说, 这取决于希腊语和/或希伯来语的本科学时数, 合资格的宝盈APP登录可能有资格参加3小时的课程, 支付4, and receive credit for 6; or take 3, pay for 5, 获得9分的学分. 就是这么简单.

Q. 如果我选择转到另一所学校, 任何符合条件的加速课程学分会转移吗?

A. 所有通过加速课程获得的学分, 除了希腊语和希伯来语的进阶学分, are only applicable at NOBTS and are not added to the student's transcript until the student has completed all other coursework for his/her degree and has applied, 并且得到了批准, 从北京少年团毕业.

Q. 我在哪里可以找到更多宝盈APP登录这个项目的信息?

A. 除了网站之外,您还可以随时通过电子邮件发送加速课程(accelerated@nr-sh100.com)或致电504-816-8171. 
